Welcome to The Needle Space!

Not many of us have searched for a needle in a haystack, but if you sew, you’ve probably hunted for a needle in a pile of pattern pieces, fabric, and notions. And when you found it, if you’re like me, you didn’t know what type or size needle you’d discovered!

Messy workspace with sewing needles and fabric

When I started sewing on my mama’s machine in the late 60’s, I used two types of needles, one for wovens and one for knits. Today we have dozens of types and sizes of machine needles, for heirloom, quilting, crafts, and home dec sewing. I’ve struggled to find a convenient way to keep those little packs of needles organized. Identifying the needle currently in my machine was often a problem, too, especially if it’s been some time between projects.

Box of disorganized needles
Trying to figure out sewing needle size with magnifying glass

After designing a box for my own use, I heard from others who wanted this storage solution as well. I think you’ll find that having your machine needles organized and accessible makes sewing time more efficient and enjoyable!

Gold NeedleSpace

The different size compartments allow for storage of the various brands and sizes of needle packages. I use one side for woven needles and the other for knits, arranged from small to large size. Another way to organize might be to order them from most commonly used to your specialty needles. You will discover the best way to organize your needle packs in The Needle Space! The little bumpout in the front center is the solution for remembering what needle is currently in your machine! Just place the pack there when starting to sew, and next time you won’t have to pull out your extra-strength reading glasses or magnifying glass!

Black NeedleSpace

The Needle Space boxes are formed with PLA, a nontoxic plastic made from plant products. This process uses no petroleum and consumes less energy than conventional plastic. Products made from PLA last for many years with normal use. Exposure to high temperatures should be avoided.