Privacy Policy

Updated: 01/30/2023

Our privacy policy explains the types of information we collect, how we use that information, and information that may be collected by other parties.

Personal Information That We Collect

Personal information is information that could be used to identify you and may include your name, age, address, email, phone number. We do not require that you disclose any of this information directly to us in order to use the website and you may browse all the contents of the site anonymously. However, we may collect personally identifiably information if you choose to:

How we use the information we collect

We use the information collected above to send you content you have subscribed to, communicate with you, publish survey results, address and send prizes, or to improve the user experience. We do not share this information with third parties except as outlined below.

Other information collected

This site collects cookies, log files, IP addresses, pixel tags, or other information that servers frequently gather. This information is used to enhance the user experience and for debugging and diagnostic purposes.

Third party disclosure and collection of information


PayPal is used to process payments on this site. Information provided during checkout may be collected by PayPal as well. Please view PayPal's privacy policy for more information.

Social Media

Social media widgets are also present on this site. They allow you to share information about this site on social media, but also may gather information about you as you visit this site according to their respective policies. Information gathered by these widgets are governed by the privacy policies of the company providing it.


Google analytics is utilized on this site to determine data such as page views, popular posts, inbound links, and other information to better understand the traffic we receive and enhance the user experience. The vast majority of the websites on the internet use Google analytics with demographic and interests reports enabled that track users across the web and report demographic and interest-based information to the sites using them. However, we respect your privacy and do not believe those measures are important for us to know so we do not subscribe to that more detailed level of reporting. To learn more about Google analytics go to Google Analytics’ privacy page.