About Us

Hello, I’m glad you stopped by! I grew up with a mom who sewed all our clothes with love and skill. When I was complimented on my outfits, I was proud to say, “My mom made it!” I was an impatient student at the machine, but she gently and firmly insisted on doing things right, so I got a lot of experience with the seam ripper, and not much has changed about that over the decades. I grew to share her love of fabric and design, and wonder what she would think of all the ways we have today to learn new techniques and purchase fabric, patterns, and notions galore, often without leaving home. She would probably wonder how we keep track of it all. In fact, that is a problem for a lot of us!

A good system shortens the road to the goal.
—Orison Swett Marden

While keeping my patterns organized and fabric in some semblance of order, I never had a good way to keep my machine needles organized. Google couldn’t even direct me to a solution that fit my needs! We all want to spend our time and energy creating fun, useful, and beautiful things, not searching for needles! So with a lot of help from my family, The Needle Space came to be. I hope this organizational tool helps as you sew and create!

Donna Lee

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